Introducing Hallows Quest: an Adventure RPG game based on the theme of Halloween. In Hallows Quest, you arrive in The Land of The Hallows, a northern part of Bloxia, looking for a new adventure. The Land of The Hallows has been infected by evil and mythical monsters of Halloween. You must explore the vast land, collecting candy, items, fighting monsters & bosses, doing quests, and more.
It's Easter time in BLOXtopia, and mysterious eggs have popped up everyone around the country. Could this mean that the fearful Lord Eggston has returned? Or is it possibly something worse... Collect the eggs around BLOXtopia and adventure through the map to uncover the real secrets behind BLOXtopia and the mysterious eggs! Time is running out.
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It's Halloween time in BLOXville, but it isn't the same. The evil Ghosdeeri has invaded BLOXville and is trying to take over Halloween. You must use the power of happiness and trick or treat to diminish the evil in BLOXville and weaken Ghosdeeri and his evil monster minions once and for all. Well, what are you waiting for? Go out there and save Halloween, you're our last chance.
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Oh noes! Lord Eggston has invaded BLOXville and released his powerful eggs upon us! You must collect all of the eggs to drain the power from him and then defeat him. Are you up for it? Well what are you waiting for? Go and stop his terrorful rampage and save BLOXville once and for all.
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Welcome to the Unofficial Trick or Treat 2014! The goal of this game is to collect candy by trick or treating at houses. You can then trade out your candy for money in the game, and buy costumes, bag upgrades, tools and more! Bored of just trick or treating? Go do some quests to get money, visit the haunted mansion or just go and hang out with friends!
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The annual Jmt Studios Easter Egg Hunt is back and is better than ever before! There is a total of 27 eggs to collect, ranging from random spawning eggs, rare eggs and even boss battles!
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Fight your foes on this valentine's day themed map of crossroads to celebrate this lovely time of the year.
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It's Christmas Eve in Bloxville, but all the gifts were taken and hidden around Bloxville by the evil Fire and Ice Bosses! Can you help find them all before dawn hits?
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Nothing is holding you back from shooting your friend with paint balls at the annual Christmas: Red VS Green paintball game.
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Nothing is holding you back from shooting your friend with paint balls at the annual Halloween: Orange VS Green paintball game.
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Welcome to Bullseye: The Game! Bullseye is a FPS game where you can chose which weapon you want to battle with, then use tactics to take out the enemy players. Good luck!
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Welcome to Bullseye: The Game! Bullseye is a FPS game where you can chose which weapon you want to battle with, then use tactics to take out the enemy players. Good luck!
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RoBuild is a game to hang out with your friends and build cool creations with blocks on a terrain map.
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